Subject: Re: apache 1.3 crashing when I enable PERL?
To: Peter Eisch <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/22/2007 08:11:15

Just the

PKG_OPTIONS.perl = -threads

in /etc/mk.conf and make update in the pkgsrc perl directory generated a 
multi-hour rebuild of about evrything in my machine!

But it solved the problem!

So now Apache starts with PERL enabled...

But when I try to open a .pl URL, I get :

"You don't have permission to access / on this server"... 
Strange... I can get php pages to work fine.

Any ideas of what I'm doin gwrong?


Peter Eisch wrote:
> I'm still using the config for current builds that I found works through
> trial and error a year or two ago.  I'm including the pertinent excerpts
> from my /etc/mk.conf in hopes that it's useful:
> APACHE_MPM = prefork
> PKG_OPTIONS.perl = -threads
> PKG_OPTIONS.apache = suexec
> PKG_OPTIONS.ap-php = ssl
> PKG_OPTIONS.ap2-php5 = ssl
> I've ended up at this because I couldn't get mod_perl (1.3 or 2.0) to be at
> all stable or useful in any configuration other than the above.  If apache
> has threads enabled by default, then you're good to go.  Is there a way to
> ask apache if it's threading is on?
> peter
> On 4/21/07 9:53 AM, "Gilles Gravier" <> wrote:
>> Thanks, Francisco.
>> Actually, the question should be "how do I enable threads in Apache"? :)
>> Gilles.
>> Francisco Valladolid Hdez. wrote:
>>> --- Wouter Schoot <> wrote:
>>>> Gilles Gravier schreef:
>>>>> PERL 5 is already built on my system... so I go to
>>>> ap-perl and make
>>>>> install...
>>>>> LoadModule perl_module lib/httpd/
>>>>> <Files ~ "\.pl$">
>>>>>   PerlHandler         Apache::Registry
>>>>>   PerlSendHeader      On
>>>>>   SetHandler          perl-script
>>>>>   Options             +ExecCGI
>>>>> </Files>
>>>>> bash-3.2# /etc/rc.d/apache start
>>>>> [1]   Abort trap (core dumped) ${HTTPD} -DSSL
>>>>> /usr/pkg/sbin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not
>>>> be started
>>>>> bash-3.2#
>>>> Hey,
>>>> This is exactly what I encountered a few weeks back
>>>> which costs me a night
>>>> of trouble. I orgininally suspected it to be my
>>>> flacky config (NetBSD 2
>>>> userland, NetBSD 4_BETA2 kernel (for my raid chipset
>>>> support)), and PHP
>>>> with apache 1.3 is no problem, but when I added perl
>>>> support, fun was all
>>>> over. However, recompiling didn't fix it. Even
>>>> worse, apache 2 didn't
>>>> solve it either! But, good news, apache 2.2 (also in
>>>> pkgsrc) solves this
>>>> problem!
>>>> I realise this is just a workaround and, considering
>>>> I'm not the only one
>>>> anymore, it would be good to send-pr this problem I
>>>> suppose!
>>> The  problem is that perl is compiled with thread
>>> enabled and apache don't, try to enable threads in
>>> apache.
>>> Regards.
>>>> Wouter
>>>> --
>>>> Wouter Schoot (
>>>> Website:
>>>> UIN# 42109851
>>> --- 
>>> Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone,
>>> the new has come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
>>> -----------------------------------
>>> Francisco Valladolid Hdez.
>>> -
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