Subject: Re: apache 1.3 crashing when I enable PERL?
To: NetBSD Users Mailing List <>
From: Peter Eisch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/21/2007 10:20:10
I'm still using the config for current builds that I found works through
trial and error a year or two ago. I'm including the pertinent excerpts
from my /etc/mk.conf in hopes that it's useful:
APACHE_MPM = prefork
PKG_OPTIONS.perl = -threads
PKG_OPTIONS.apache = suexec
PKG_OPTIONS.ap-php = ssl
PKG_OPTIONS.ap2-php5 = ssl
I've ended up at this because I couldn't get mod_perl (1.3 or 2.0) to be at
all stable or useful in any configuration other than the above. If apache
has threads enabled by default, then you're good to go. Is there a way to
ask apache if it's threading is on?
On 4/21/07 9:53 AM, "Gilles Gravier" <> wrote:
> Thanks, Francisco.
> Actually, the question should be "how do I enable threads in Apache"? :)
> Gilles.
> Francisco Valladolid Hdez. wrote:
>> --- Wouter Schoot <> wrote:
>>> Gilles Gravier schreef:
>>>> PERL 5 is already built on my system... so I go to
>>> ap-perl and make
>>>> install...
>>>> LoadModule perl_module lib/httpd/
>>>> <Files ~ "\.pl$">
>>>> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>>>> PerlSendHeader On
>>>> SetHandler perl-script
>>>> Options +ExecCGI
>>>> </Files>
>>>> bash-3.2# /etc/rc.d/apache start
>>>> [1] Abort trap (core dumped) ${HTTPD} -DSSL
>>>> /usr/pkg/sbin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not
>>> be started
>>>> bash-3.2#
>>> Hey,
>>> This is exactly what I encountered a few weeks back
>>> which costs me a night
>>> of trouble. I orgininally suspected it to be my
>>> flacky config (NetBSD 2
>>> userland, NetBSD 4_BETA2 kernel (for my raid chipset
>>> support)), and PHP
>>> with apache 1.3 is no problem, but when I added perl
>>> support, fun was all
>>> over. However, recompiling didn't fix it. Even
>>> worse, apache 2 didn't
>>> solve it either! But, good news, apache 2.2 (also in
>>> pkgsrc) solves this
>>> problem!
>>> I realise this is just a workaround and, considering
>>> I'm not the only one
>>> anymore, it would be good to send-pr this problem I
>>> suppose!
>> The problem is that perl is compiled with thread
>> enabled and apache don't, try to enable threads in
>> apache.
>> Regards.
>>> Wouter
>>> --
>>> Wouter Schoot (
>>> Website:
>>> UIN# 42109851
>> ---
>> Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone,
>> the new has come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
>> -----------------------------------
>> Francisco Valladolid Hdez.
>> -
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