Subject: Re: Installing a UPS for a NetBSD server... software and procedures?
To: Thomas Bieg <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/21/2007 07:51:42


But... I'm not a "kernel manipulation" specialist... So... how do I get 
the ugen driver loaded? I have no special problem with HID mice or 
keyboards as they are both PS/2 devices on the server... so all I need 
is to load ugen... but do I really need to rebuild a kernel for that? Or 
is there a more "dynamic" way on a running system (I'm OK with having to 
reboot... but rebuilding a kernel... well... haven't done that since the 
SunOS 4.0.3 times... so I'm a bit rusty.).


Thomas Bieg wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> Did you need to do anything special to get apcupsd to work? USB 
>> drivers to install in some way?
> (This wasn't directed at me but if you don't mind I dare to answer 
> anyway.)
> A year ago when I got the UPS (APC Back-UPS CS 650 / BK650EI; actually 
> I have
> two of them now), the pkgsrc version of apcupsd was outdated but 
> installing
> the official tarball was straightforward. Since then I'm running 
> 3.12.2 without
> any real problems*. pkgsrc now has 3.12.4 so that should work just as 
> good or
> probably even better now.
> As for USB, no special driver is needed (only ugen) but a little 
> kernel patch
> to prevent uhid from grabbing the device. The better solution is to 
> force ugen
> to attach with "flags 1" but I don't know if this made it into the 
> releases
> yet.
> (Alternatively you can disable uhid completely if you don't need it.)
> Regards,
> Tom
> * The only glitch I noticed so far: occasionally apcupsd tells me that my
> battery was dead and needs immediate replacement, but changes its mind 
> again
> after a few seconds or so. As everything is running fine nonetheless 
> and the
> UPS does its job when needed I didn't care enough to look after that.

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