Subject: Re: pkgsrc-2007Q1
To: Przemys?aw Pawe?czyk <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/17/2007 14:50:16
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 07:26:30AM -0500, Przemys?aw Pawe?czyk wrote:
> Well, I'd like to but "what" and "where"?
> The sources for TEA editor which Jeremy C. Reed provided to
> pkgsrc-2006Q4 are working. I downloaded them from distfiles repository.
> I can build the app issuing in tea-16.0.5 directory:
> # make install --prefix=/usr/pkg --enable-legacy
> but without spell option.
> There are two modes for getting spell-checker (aspell or enchant)
> option in TEA. For both modes some of the listed libraries do not
> exists in pkgsrc package. There is not a _bug_ in this.
> As you can see everything works well only in limited environment.
> "What" should I report? Lack of libraries? Where then?
Did you try adding PKG_OTPIONS.tea=aspell to your /etc/mk.conf, as
suggested by "make show-options" in the pkgsrc/editors/tea directory?