Subject: Re: Help installing 2nd disk in system...
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/03/2007 22:31:35
Hehe... That's a good way to procede indeed.
But on my side, the disk is bolted inside the machine... so if I ever
take it out... it will be to replavce a 750 GB disk with a 1TB whenever
they come out. :)
Andy Ruhl wrote:
> On 4/3/07, Gilles Gravier <> wrote:
>> Thanks, Steve!
>> Works like a charm. I actually used e which was the whole volume... :)
>> Disk is now mounted as ffs and copying all my data to it... taking some
>> time... but progressing nicely. :)
> I believe e is just an assumed partition by NetBSD. It doesn't
> actually exist until you use disklabel and write it, unless the disk
> was formatted before or something.
> c is the NetBSD partition, d is the whole disk on i386.
> I always create a so there is no confusion. When I see e, I hesitate
> and try to be sure that there's no data on the disk that I forgot was
> there or something. When there is an a, I know I did that. With e I'm
> not so sure.
> Andy
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