Subject: question on building/install world 3.1
To: None <>
From: J.D. Bronson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/01/2007 07:02:43
This is a newbee question in a way. But I am totally familiar with doing
all of this under freebsd or openbsd, so I dont think I am too 
challenged on is what I did...and my question:

Full install of 3.1
I grabbed the 3-1maint CVS branch.
I built my kernel

./ tools kernel=GENERIC.MPACPI
no issues. I then installed it. No problem after reboot.

Then I build world:
./ -U -u -D /usr/i386build distribution

and then I installed world:
./ -U -D /usr/i386build install=/

No issues. Odd thing is nothing is time stamped with todays date (the 
day I installed world).

World finished building around 2200hrs last night and most of the 
time stamps on files all over the machine are from yest around 2125 
at night or so.

Is this normal? - does it install somehow during the build process or 
does it install when done on its own (based on my command line 
above?) - or after install does it use the time stamps on the time 
the file was created rather than installed?

If someone can shed some light, it would be appreciated.