Subject: Re: Wiki
To: None <>
From: Mark Weinem <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/29/2007 02:41:30
Przemysław Pawełczyk:

> I do understand nothing. The best place with information how to get
> next release files for testing is being hide from publicity.
Sure, a page with links to reliable community ressources would be 
But please, don't accuse the NetBSD developers and maintainers of hiding 
community ressources. That's counterproductive. Assuming goodwill is for 
sure more helpful. For the future I hope that you will change to a more 
constructive diction.

While it's fully okay that you post your critics and recommendations on 
this mailinglist, I assume that you also got in touch with the www team 
and with Jeremy Reed, who has already offered his help.

> What's more. Lack of information about LiveCDs, lack of LiveCD with a
> few WMs to choose and/or targeted to different users, 
I'm not aware of an official NetBSD LiveCD project. There are no 
*official* LiveCDs. Maybe you have the know-how and can afford some time 
to help. But I consider CDs as environmentally harmful - so don't feel 
to motivated ;-)

kind regards, Mark