Subject: Re: Fwd: When NetBSD 4.0?
To: NetBSD Users <>
From: Jeff Rollin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/28/2007 02:46:14
On 27/03/07, Holger Weiss <> wrote:
> * Jeff Rollin <> [2007-03-27 14:49]:
> > While we're on the subject of nostalgia, why the sudden jump from 1.x
> > to 2.x and now 3.x and 4.x? It's my impression that when I tried
> > NetBSD in Y2K or so, (release 1.5.2 or 1.6 or something), release
> > numbers, if not progress, were a lot slower in coming?
> Holger

One question that I didn't find answered was: If 1.5 and 1.6 are major
releases, when (under the old scheme) would 1.x have turned into 2.x?


Q: What will happen in the Aftermath?

A: Impossible to tell, since we're still in the Beforemath.