Subject: Fwd: When NetBSD 4.0?
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rollin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/27/2007 14:49:30
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Rollin <>
Date: 27-Mar-2007 14:48
Subject: Re: When NetBSD 4.0?
To: Mark Weinem <>

On 27/03/07, Mark Weinem <> wrote:
> Hi John,
> >  Umm, what regular release process?  I've been following NetBSD
> > since the very early days and there has never been a regular release.
> >
> I thought regular releases were aimed at after the release of 2.0.
> That's what Alexandre Wennmacher wrote in 2005 for the german magazine
> "freeX" (freeX 6/2005, Die Zukunft: NetBSD, 68-70)
> > The answer to the question is, "When it's ready."
> >
> I think for 4.0 the answer is "When the release team decides it's ready
> enough"
> > } Other projects manage a release once (or even twice) a year.
> >
> >      Yes, they release whether they have anything interesting or not.
> OpenBSD for example has new interesting features with every release.
> > NetBSD releases when there is something interesting and it has
> > stablised.
> Like support for firewire -  that was interesting for me two years ago ;-)

While we're on the subject of nostalgia, why the sudden jump from 1.x
to 2.x and now 3.x and 4.x? It's my impression that when I tried
NetBSD in Y2K or so, (release 1.5.2 or 1.6 or something), release
numbers, if not progress, were a lot slower in coming?


Q: What will happen in the Aftermath?

A: Impossible to tell, since we're still in the Beforemath.

Q: What will happen in the Aftermath?

A: Impossible to tell, since we're still in the Beforemath.