Subject: Re: Building a bootable image
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/23/2007 08:28:46
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Also sprach Jan Danielsson (
> Want I want is to be able to boot from a CD, and have some basic
> commands. The most advanced application I need is "vi".
You want a Live-CD, check out pkgsrc/sysutils/mklivecd. It's a
shellskript useful to create Live-CDs. It will create a chroot where
you can install all apps you need and then you can create an ISO to be
burnt onto CD.
> I want to restructure my partition layout due to a newly installed
> hard drive. I will need to mount my new disk (cgd:d), mount my "old"
> disk (some slices are cgd:d), copy all of the "old" stuff to the new
> disk. Repartition the "old" disk, and then copy everything back on to
> the "old" disk with the new layout. install_boot on the "old" disk. Reboo=
> Surely someone must have created such a CD before, and have a rough
> idea about what I need to do? I'm not at all interested in getting X
> running. I only need the command line tools.
> Oh, and I would also like to know how to best preserve all relevant
> data when I copy (or tar) the files from the old disk to the new one,
> and then copy (or untar) it back later.
That's exactly the task Hubert's Ghost 4 Unix[1] was created for. But
AFAIK G4U doesn't support CGD.=20
However, I strongly suggest using dump(8) instead of tar(1). The
unreliability of tar(1) is legendary, see [2], dump(8) is much more stable.
Even better would be a dd(1) of your data. This will read the data
=66rom block level and copy *anything* on your hdd, even already deleted
data ;-)
BTW: I created a Live-CD some weeks ago for my tutorial on secure data
deletion. It is available at [3]. It's only 67MB large and contains of
a down sized NetBSD current without network access, but with CGD. You
could use that CD to dump your data to another harddrive. The dump
could be encrypted on the fly with bdes(1) and secure deleted with
wipe(1) afterwards ;-)
E. D. Zwicky's backup torture test=20
PGP FPR: CF74 D5F2 4871 3E5C FFFE 0130 11F4 C41E B3FB AE33 =20
Jeder wird als Faust geboren, um alles zu erfassen, alles zu erproben, alle=
auszudr=FCcken. Da=DF Faust Gelehrter wurde, daf=FCr sorgten die Fehler sei=
Vorg=E4nger und seiner Zeitgenossen.=20
Boris Pasternak, Doktor Schiwago
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