Subject: Re: Junk computer+LCD(+keypad)->Jukebox
To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E1bor_G=E1bris?= <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/22/2007 12:13:02
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On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, G=E1bor G=E1bris wrote:

> Hi!
> I found some old hardware, a p2-500 Mhz Celeron processor and an
> all-integrated motherboard and I would like to build an mp3-jukebox to
> our family car. I bought a nice 2x16 character HD-44780-compatible LCD
> display panel. I soldered a bit last night  and it is working on the
> parallel port under linux+lcdproc. The next step would be to move it
> to my favourite OS: NetBSD. Lcdproc works under BSD systems (as they
> write on their homepage).
> The next step is to find some kind of mp3-capable media player for
> NetBSD, that can somehow show track informations on the LCD and can be
> controlled with a keypad.
> If anybody has any suggestions, experiences or ideas about the topic,
> please write them.

 =09You might find audio/mserv intersting, particularly if you
 =09combine it with something like audio/mserv_irman which would
 =09also allow your passengers to control it with a remote :)

 =09=09David/absolute       -- No hype required --