Subject: Re: How can I install applications which have conflicts in dependences? OR How to install VMWare?
To: NetBSD/users <>
From: Alexander Bubnov <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/21/2007 13:04:35
Probably, my qestion is misunderstood.
I would like to know
Is it possible to have VMWare, opera and acroread on the same NetBSD
machine? And how to install VMWare together with opera and acroread?

I tried to do but I got the some errors:

ERROR: suse_base-10.0nb3 is already installed - perhaps an older version?
ERROR: If so, you may use either of:
ERROR:     - "pkg_delete suse_base-10.0nb3" and "/usr/bin/make reinstall"
ERROR:       to upgrade properly
ERROR:     - "/usr/bin/make update" to rebuild the package and all
ERROR:       of its dependencies
ERROR:     - "/usr/bin/make replace" to replace only the package without
ERROR:       re-linking dependencies, risking various problems.

because VMWare have conflict dependecies with opera and acroread.

Please help me.

2007/3/20, Alexander Bubnov <>:
> Hello!
> I have NetBSD 3.1 and I uses pkgsrc-2006Q4.
> I would like to have opera, acroread7 and vmware3.
> Let look at dependences
> ...
> suse_base-10.0nb3
> suse_x11-10.0nb2
> ...
> ACROREAD4,5,7:
> ...
> suse_base-10.0nb3
> suse_x11-10.0nb2
> ...
> VMWARE2,3:
> ...
> suse_base-9.1nb12
> suse_x11-9.1nb6
> ...
> In this case if I try to build vmware (any version) I get
> ERROR: suse_base-10.0nb3 is already installed - perhaps an older version?
> ERROR: If so, you may use either of:
> ERROR:     - "pkg_delete suse_base-10.0nb3" and "/usr/bin/make reinstall"
> ERROR:       to upgrade properly
> ERROR:     - "/usr/bin/make update" to rebuild the package and all
> ERROR:       of its dependencies
> ERROR:     - "/usr/bin/make replace" to replace only the package without
> ERROR:       re-linking dependencies, risking various problems.
> Can you please help me to find out how to build and install vmware?
> /BR, Alexander