Subject: Errors and deficiencies in NetBSD 3.1, i386, stable
To: None <>
From: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/19/2007 05:37:38
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What I've found as follows:

1) gtk-gnutella
Where to search for and how to correct that?
bash-3.2$ gtk-gnutella
07-03-18 10:20:01 (MESSAGE): language code: "en"
07-03-18 10:20:01 (MESSAGE): using locale character set "UTF-8"
07-03-18 10:20:01 (MESSAGE): primary filename character set "UTF-8"
07-03-18 10:20:01 (MESSAGE): gtk-gnutella/0.96.1 (2006-02-22; GTK2; NetBSD i386)
process 1996: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
  D-Bus not compiled with backtrace support so unable to print a backtrace
Abort trap (core dumped)

2) AbiWord 2.4 (from binary version)
It makes core-dump after cutting words. Both via Ctrl-Del, and "Scissors" button.

3) Official Polish typist standard "pl (qwertz)" has a flaw. Symbol table lacks one important line in pl2 file in directory
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/pc (==>> denotes added line):

     key <BKSL>	{ [    oacute,     zacute,   dead_grave,   dead_breve ]	};
     key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,         cent,    copyright ]	};
==>> key <AB10>	{ [     minus, underscore,      notsign,      notsign ]	};

Otherwise "old" button (AB10) retains its values [?,/] instead of taking [-,_]. As "old" key [-,_] changed its meaning to [?,+] what is correct Polish user is now left without [-,_].

4) LyX installing freezes system
All the three freezes occured during dependency unpacking of
91697452 Jan  4 20:06 teTeX-texmf-3.0nb5.tgz
See the size. I changed sysctl.conf adding two entries:
Only then I was able to install LyX. I didn't deep research to the two values. I chose them arbitrary.

Tell me please which one had greater impact on resolving my problem and why maxfiles is "firmwired" to 1520 and not to 1517.5 or 2113 for that matter? And whether I should change other parameters whereas the two brought results by accident?

5) Why faulty gentoo (after compilation as well) and gftp-gtk1 are being kept in repository when their misbehavior is known to developers (vide answers on mailing lists)?

6) Why I am not able to collect gtk+ 1.2 applications to have small set of basic programs looking nice?

If we have firefox-gtk among many others (sic!) why there are no such important applications like sylpheed-gtk and dillo-gtk (but with tabs and frames like in Linux distro Damn Small Linux ( and others)?

Or perhaps it's time to get rid of GTK+ 1.2 as it's stated in Sidux roadmap ( - Tartaros and beyond...)?

I have old rig with Celeron 400 onboard and what I crave for is light, nice, and _consistent  looking_ desktop.

Przemysław Pawełczyk <>

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