Subject: Re: sendfile support in NetBSD
To: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/27/2007 17:05:46
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On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 07:09:58PM -0500, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 06:38:58PM -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> >=20
> > I think the question was "is there an equivalent of the Linux
> > sendfile machinery". The answer is, no, NetBSD doesn't have it (though
> > FreeBSD does).
> I'm sorry, I strongly disagree with your answer. The purpose of
> sendfile() is to send a file out a socket without requiring it to
> be copied from the application into the kernel. But zero-copy TCP
> send already achieves that, with no need for any new API.
> Because it causes the calling process to block, sendfile() in fact is
> no more efficient than a single write() of a mmap()ed region corresponding
> to the entire file. It is a duplicative and bogus API and I am glad it
> is not present in NetBSD, where we provide a way to get the same or
> better performance characteristics without requiring use of a nonstandard
> and ill-conceived extension.
Well, I disagree with you. :-)
I agree that the same functionality can be achieved. However there are=20
three things that I see in favor of having a sendfile() or a splice().
1) Other systems have it. So there is an advantage for portability.
2) How much code does it take to make it work? sendfile, AFAIK, just needs=
file descriptors. mmap followed by write needs more code. Not much you=20
might say, but what do we do if it's a big file? On our 32-bit=20
architectures, there's a limit to the VA we can support. On our 64-bit=20
architectures, for a multi-GB file, do we really want to mmap gigabytes of=
addr space just to use once for a write?
3) Using an mmap'd file for tcp source may well give us poor i/o
performance. The problem is that all of our i/o is reactively scheduled.
It get's scheduled via faults on the mapping. It would be much more direct
to have a thread that simultaneously schedules some i/o from disk,
schedules some more, then sends the first out the tcp socket. By having an=
active control, we can make better decisions about what to do.
I admit the main place I experienced this was with a server that made 64k=
burst transfers, which isn't the normal sendfile usage.
Take care,
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