Subject: Re: Forcing NetBSD to use IPv4
To: Alasdair Reed <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/25/2007 19:45:13
On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 05:31:51PM +1100, Alasdair Reed wrote:
> 1. How would you make use of the information from the ISP ?
Put their nameservers in "/etc/resolv.conff".
> 2. How do you get the system resolver to behave in this way?
> Also I imagine that to do the above (#2), named has to be working properly
> on your system at present I am getting the error messages as follows:
> localhost named [271] could not configure root hosts from 'root cache':file
> >not found
> >local host named [271]loading config file : file not found
> >local host named [271] exiting due to fatal error
> Matthias suggested I debug named, I tried this using the command
> named -d 1
Try this:
named -g -d 3 -u named -t /var/chroot/named
If you still can't find out why it can't find the configuration files
on your system try this:
ktrace -o /tmp/ktrace.out named -g -d 3 -u named -t /var/chroot/named
Wait until it complains about missing configuration files, kill it and
look at the output with "ktruss -f /tmp/ktrace.out".
> however it did not seem to write a log file in /var/tmp
I can find anything in the documentation of named(8) which would sugggest
that it should do that.
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler