Subject: Forcing NetBSD to use IPv4
To: None <>
From: Alasdair <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/17/2007 22:56:50
How can you force NetBSD 3.0.1 to use IPv4 only. I have a number of
problems connecting to the net caused by the interaction of my router
with the IPv6 protocol . See the thread: 
"telnet -4 command switches on IPv4 mode for other apps "            
I have researched on the net
and it seems that this problem is quite common . There is a document
that discusses it here
<>  if anyone is interested.
In my limited understanding, it would seem that BSD variants
are the least likely to suffer problems of all OSs, so I strongly
suspect that it is my router.  It seems the quickest solutions are

1. Force NetBSD to use IPv4 , globally.

 2. Buy a router that can handle IPv6 ok.
Can anyone suggest how to do 1.   Or suggest a router that can handle
IPv6 . I am using a standalone box with an ADSL connection.

Matthias Schele offered me a much more elegant solution, but I need to improve my understanding of the details of networking to  implement it, and I have taken up far to much of his time already. However I need to find a temporary solution till that can be done and the above seem the most likely. As far as I can see instructions on how to  force NetBSD to use IPv4 are not in the guide.

