Subject: Re: raidframe problems
To: Louis Guillaume <>
From: Volkmar Seifert <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/13/2007 12:33:59
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Hello all,

as already suggested by Matthias Scheler, I think that the IDE-Hostadapte=
r is the problem.
I have three of those myself, and neither has ever worked sufficiently wi=
th NetBSD - not
even without any kind of RAID.

The effects were kind of funny - a dd perfectly worked, copying things on=
to a disk
attached to this controller sometimes worked, but reading always failed -=
 as long as I
didn't try to read using dd. dd always did fine, no matter into which dir=
ection, but that
was all that worked.

I would suggest to use a different controller, since this one, at least a=
t the moment,
does not work with NetBSD.

> First let me say that I have had excellent experiences with raidframe.
> Every one of these good experiences has involved using SCSI disks.
> Every time I've used raidframe with some form of ATA disk there has bee=
> trouble. And now I've had another such experience to report.

Well, I have just set up a machine running two ATA-Disks in RAID-1 using =
RAIDFrame, and it
"just worked(tm)", right out of the box, so generally speaking there shou=
ld not be any
problems, no matter what system is used, as long as each hardware compone=
nt in itself is
working fine with netbsd.

Good luck, even if this mail probably was not of much help.


MfG / best regards
	Volkmar Seifert

 "Programming today is a race between software developers, striving to
  build bigger and better idiot proof software, and the Universe, trying
  to produce bigger and better idiots.
  So far, the Universe is winning."

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