Subject: Re: Animated prompt?
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/06/2007 21:29:41
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> Is there such trick, or could anyone think of reasonable solution for 
> animated shell prompt? 
> I mean something like twirling baton -/|\-/|\... somewhere, 
> indicating that system is alive (and possibly, roughly, how much 
> loaded it is), or time display along with standard 
> "user@machine:path$", or even kind of animated ASCII art (which could 
> be a hint as for possible solution - at least for terminals capable 
> of such feature).
> Happy hacking! Anyone?.. ;)

I don't know of any animated shell prompt. But you can use VT100 blink 
sequence to make some parts of your prompt blink. I have attached an 
example that works for me with ksh.

PS1=`cat prompt.test`

Another idea is to use a flashing cursor.

As for redrawing the prompt, make patching a shell itself.

  Jeremy C. Reed
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