Subject: Re: sendmail problems
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/03/2007 16:36:40
Jan Danielsson wrote:
> Christian Biere wrote:
> >> Now that I started writing this stuff again, I believe that the
> >> problem I had before was in fact that "sed" is in "/usr/bin", but /usr
> >> hasn't been mounted when dhclient-enter-hook is run the first time
> >> (during boot).
> >
> > I'm not aware of any reasons to put /usr on a different partition than /.
> > There may be historical ones like tiny disks or whatever.
> $ which evil_program
> /usr/pkg/bin/evil_program
Funny, *every* time I mention this to anyone, they come up with this. This is
definitely not what I meant. I meant everything under /usr provided by NetBSD's
base. /usr/pkg and /usr/src are separate partitions here simply because my / is
read-only. Also my root account definitely doesn't have /usr/pkg/* in its PATH.
And /usr/pkg is also mounted nosuid (and most of the time read-only). The major
reason for me to keep separate partitions in some cases is taking advantage
of read-only mounts to keep fsck time low after a crash. Additional reasons are
as mentioned keeping advantage of nosuid and noexec mount options. That's also
why /dev is not on my /, so that /dev and /dev/pts are the only partitions
mounted without nodev.
Please, tell me just one reason why /bin and /usr/bin shouldn't live on the
same partition.