Subject: Re: Persistent tunnel
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Chuck Swiger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/14/2006 16:32:41
On Dec 14, 2006, at 4:23 PM, Jan Danielsson wrote:
>    A quick search reveals that there seems to be a neat tool called
> "stunnel". Can I accomplish what I want with it, or is it the wrong
> tools for the wrong job? (I assume I can avoid the second "problem"  
> with
> a "while True, ssh ..., sleep"-loop, but that won't take care of the
> first minor nit.

stunnel will work just fine for what you've said you wanted to do.   
It's a reasonable tool for the task, but it's possible that you might  
want to simply set up a full VPN tunnel via OpenVPN or similar,  
rather than having to individually configure port-forwarding for each  
