Subject: Re: NetBSD ftp directory tree
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Ed Wensell III <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/07/2006 06:18:30
--- Geert Hendrickx <> wrote:
> I think this is a good idea. When people are looking for binary
> packages,
> they are not primarily interested in what pkgsrc *branch* the packages
> are
> built from, but for what *arch* they are built for, and in the second
> place
> for what NetBSD *version*. So a useful directory structure for binary
> packages would be:
> /pub/NetBSD/packages/$arch/NetBSD-$version/pkgsrc-$branch.
Generally when I'm looking for binaries (which I hardly do... I'm more of
a source kinda person), I'm using the NetBSD website... Not crawling
through the FTP server. -> Software for NetBSD -> Alphabetical index of all
packages -> CTRL-F <keyword> (ok, technically I'm 'crawling' the FTP site
at this point)
I've rarely used it, but some people like:
pkg_select -> [p] pkgfind -> keyword
My point being that, in my opinion, the underlying structure does not
matter so long as there is a good up-to-date searchable index.
The underlying structure only really matters to those maintaining it.
Ed Wensell III
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