Subject: Re: Forcing a full rebuild of GNOME after update from 3.0.1 to 3.1
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/07/2006 09:40:31
I've found an alternative... probably more brutal...
cd /var/db
mv pkg pkg.old
mkdir pkg
cd /usr/pkgsrc/meta-pkgs/gnome
make install
Since /var/dp/pkg is now empty, it is rebuilding everything needed for
gnome and overwriting.
When this is done. I'll delete from pkg.old what has been put in the new
pkg and merge the 2... or rebuild the rest depending on how I feel. :)
For now, the build is going on fine.
It's a slow machine... will take about half a day to a full day,
methinks. Started this morning.
Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 06:42:41AM +0100, Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> Thanks, Geert!
>> So I should run in sequence pkg_chk -r followed by pkg_chk -ask ?
> No, that will leave you with a broken system. :-) As I said, first
> generate a list of all your installed packages with pkg_chk -g (list
> goes in ${PKGSRCDIR}/pkgchk.conf by default, set $PKGCHK_CONF of use -C
> to change this). The -a step won't build anything without this list.
> Better read the manpage before experimenting with this tool.
> Geert
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