Subject: Re: Petition for NetBSD Nvidia driver (step by step)
To: None <>
From: Chavdar Ivanov <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/02/2006 17:58:32
On 12/2/06, Thor Lancelot Simon <> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 12:49:17AM +0800, Karim Forsthofer wrote:
> >
> > The only thing that we have to do now is to wait until the petition
> > has enough signer. Then I will send this petition to nvidia.
> Where it will have no effect whatsoever. You're simply not going to
> be able to get them to devote fifty thousand bucks of development
> and support time (probably an underestimate) just because a few
> hundred people say they want a pony.
> NVidia ship *hundreds of thousands* of chips every quarter. A few
> hundred (or even a few thousand) more indirect sales simply do not offer
> them enough revenue at the margin to justify the development cost.
But maybe - just *may be* - the *marketing* benefit of having yet
another not that difficult to support Unix driver would...
> Quentin's proposal is a much more realistc path forward.
Nothing wrong with trying - either way...
> Thor