Subject: Re: Petition for NetBSD Nvidia driver
To: None <>
From: Andrew Ball <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/01/2006 20:26:22
Hello Quentin,

   QG> Besides, they _do_ care.  When I was working on that
     > project, NVIDIA people were kind enough to at least
     > try to answer the questions I asked them.

Well that was decent of them.  Perhaps I should start buying
more nVidia products.

   QG> Porting the FreeBSD driver is not that big a task; it
     > took me two months at the time to get it into a some-
     > what working state, and I had no previous kernel
     > programming experience.

I'm not familiar with the FreeBSD nVidia driver.  Is it a
binary thing, or can it be used on different ports and

- Andy Ball.