Subject: Re: Support for Broadcom BCM5721, Intel ICH6R SATA?
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/23/2006 13:58:18
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On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 11:07:02AM -0700, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > I'm contemplating putting together a system based on
> > .  I'm
> > wondering about support for the BCM5721 GigE and Intel ICH6R SATA
> > controllers.
> >
> > I see that if_bge nominally supports the Ethernet card, but there are
> > warnings in the driver that seem to imply that it might not really work
> > well.
> >
> > I don't know about the SATA controller; I do know that it works on
> > FreeBSD.  I don't need the hardware RAID support.
> >
> > Ideally, this machine would run 3.1; more likely, it would run some
> > snapshot of -current for the better Xen support.
> >
> > 		--Steven M. Bellovin,
> >  =20
> I have a system that's based on a very similar SuperMicro board - it has
> Intel GigE instead of Broadcom, but the SATA controller is the same.  It
> works out of the box with 3.1, but there is a minor bug in -current
> (which is being worked on, should be fixed in 4.0) which requires the
> sata controller to be set in "Enhanced" mode in the BIOS for it to
> work.  Thus far (~4 days), I'm happy with it.

I've looked at the ICH>5 case, too.  It suffers the same potential

I'm thinking of either simply removing the code that tries to switch to
enhanced mode (but keeping the code that switches to IDE mode for
ICH>=3D7), or testing whether the relevant BARs are mappable.  The latter
feels a bit hackish, but should work.

Quentin Garnier - -
"You could have made it, spitting out benchmarks
Owe it to yourself not to fail"
Amplifico, Spitting Out Benchmarks, Hometakes Vol. 2, 2005.

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