Subject: Re: pkg_select defective?
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/04/2006 00:15:36
Try using xterm for a $TERM


Jan Danielsson wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> On NetBSD, by default, pkgsrc is in /usr/pkgsrc ... so when you install
>> a pkgsrc package on NetBSD, it makes that assumption as well... so if
>> you installed pkg_select from pkgsrc, it is most likely built to find
>> pkgsrc in /usr/pkgsrc ...
>    These comment makes no sense to me -- the manual page even tells me
> that pkgsrc is located in /home/pkgsrc/pkgsrc. The build system inspects
> the system to find out where pkgsrc is located. No other pkgsrc tool I
> have run has ever had any problem locating my pkgsrc installation. I
> would never even have known that /usr/pkgsrc was a default location
> unless you had mentioned it -- and I've been using pkgsrc for years(!).
>> you could, just for the sake of things, try to
>> see if making a symbolic link from /home/pkgsrc/pkgsrc to /usr/pkgsrc
>> helps it.
>    That shouldn't be necessary, as long as the usual auto detection
> stuff is working. (?)
>> About the strangely layed out screen, what terminal are you using? An
>> emulation? A native (like xterm?)... Chances are, if it's an emulation,
>> it's not properly handling the escape sequences it should be handling.
>    Here's a brain dead question for you: How do I know what terminal I'm
> running? :-)
>    TERM is set to "screen", I assume that's an answer to your question?
> I have no idea if it is "an emulation", but I guess you could answer
> that. :-) When I run in a full screen session, I get TERM=vt220. Then
> pkg_select seems to work, which is good I guess. However, it's not using
> the same flashy colors as it does when I run under screen.
>    Should I be running vt100?
>>>    When I run pkg_select, I get interesting results.
>>>    First, it can't find pkgsrc. The manual page says it defaults to
>>> /home/pkgsrc/pkgsrc (which is where it is). But the program is trying to
>>> find it in /usr/pkgsrc.
>>>    When I run it with "-b /home/pkgsrc/pkgsrc" it does start, but it
>>> seems to be printing OOPSx and PSx all over the left part of the screen.
>>> And the layout of all the menu entries are misplaced (i need to scan
>>> through them with the cursor to see them properly). Making the program
>>> core dump is very easy, I just need to browse around a little, and it
>>> crashes.
>>>    I'm using NetBSD/amd64.
>>>    Known issues?

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