Subject: Re: a recursion perl script
To: Water NB <>
From: Robby Griffin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/05/2006 14:52:43
Not that this has anything to do with NetBSD per se, but when you refer 
to $g, it's just a filename and not a path. Pretty much everything 
inside the foreach will fail as soon as you're looking inside a 
subdirectory, because those filenames won't mean anything in the 
current working directory. You could chdir first (but that would give 
&g2u weird side effects), or prepend a relative path. See also 
File::Find, I think.


On Sep 5, 2006, at 12:57, Water NB wrote:

> I wrote below perl script to convert all  files and directories.
> When it enter the first directory, the script quit and skip any others
> directories without any errors.
> What's wrong?
> #! /usr/pkg/bin/perl
> use Unicode::UTF8simple;
> use Cwd;
> my $uref = new Unicode::UTF8simple;
> my $dirname = shift;
> sub g2u {
>     my ($dirname) = @_;
>     my $g, $u, @D;
>     printf "----> $dirname\n";
>     opendir(DIR, $dirname) || die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
>     @D = readdir(DIR);
>     foreach $g (@D) {
>         #printf "file $g\n";
>         if ( -d $g && $g ne "." && $g ne "..") {
>             #printf "----> $g\n";
>             &g2u("$dirname/$g");
>         }
>         my $u = $uref->toUTF8("gb2312", $g);
>         if ($g ne $u) {
>             printf "GB2312==>UTF8 $g\n";
>             #rename "$dirname/$g", "$dirname/$u";
>         }
>     }
>     closedir DIR;
> }
> &g2u($dirname);