Subject: Re: Repairing the damage (was Re: History of the NetBSD Foundation)
To: None <>
From: Brian McEwen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/05/2006 07:11:07
On Sep 4, 2006, at 11:00 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 07:42:23PM -0400, Brian McEwen wrote:
>> -So, there are developers all over the world (I reasonably suspect,
>> but haven't checked) signing some contract with an .org (.com?
>> perhaps) based on laws of... Delaware, USA?  Why do they feel held to
>> terms of a "secret" and perhaps dubious contract with some foundation
>> in the USA?
> Um.  What "secret" contract?  Marc Tooley asked us to post it two days
> ago, and we promptly did.

Perhaps poor wording on my part; or failure to bring it to a stated  
ending point:  extend the statement a little; do if someone signed a  
contract with a NDA that has no power (to someone not in the states)  
and "bad" things are being done under the NDA; why would this not  
leave the inner circle eventually (some might argue it has I guess).


>> -Why has no-one yet said "no, there isn't a separate mailing list,
>> set of decision makers, etc (I have lost track-- what else? there has
>> been a bit that should be definitively true, or false- and we are
>> techie enough here that "anonymous" disclosure of evidence of things
>> "hidden" that should in fact be known isn't ridiculously difficult).
> [...]

> Ask yourself this: there are approximately 400 members of the NetBSD
> Foundation, developers of the NetBSD project.  Do you really believe
> that if dreadful things like you're asking about were going on, you
> wouldn't be hearing about it from them?  You say above that
> "'anonymous' disclosure of evidence of things 'hidden' that should in
> fact be known isn't ridiculously difficult" -- think that through,  
> then,
> and draw your own conclusion.

Well right, that was rather my (inferred, or reachable by induction I  
guess) point.  As you say, see above.
