Subject: Re: Logical Volume Management for NetBSD
To: Chuck Swiger <>
From: Carl Brewer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/31/2006 08:15:38
Chuck Swiger wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2006, at 3:02 AM, Mark Weinem wrote:
>> Christoph Kaegi wrote:
>>> I've been an AIX admin before and I always missed LVM and mksysb
>>> on NetBSD.
>>> These would be features that would set NetBSD quite a bit ahead of
>>> the other BSD's and make life much easier [...]
>> Set ahead of Solaris' ZFS (which will soon be available on  Dragonfly- 
>> and  FreeBSD)?
> I would strongly second the (implied?) recommendation that NetBSD look 
> into ZFS, and hopefully you can take some advantage of the FreeBSD 
> porting efforts or even contribute to them.  Pawel Jakub Dawidek 
> <> has sent out a status message recently which I'll copy 
> below, and is interested in additional testing or companies willing to 
> sponsor some of this work.

If I had to add anything to a wishlist for *BSD, it would consist
of ZFS and policy routing :)