Subject: Re: [Semi-OT] Sharing files with Windows
To: Brian de Alwis <>
From: Jan Danielsson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/26/2006 09:45:29
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Brian de Alwis wrote:
>>    I should point out that I'm currently moving files with pscp; but I=

>> want to mount a directory on my NetBSD system on my Windows system.
> An alternative is to use unison for doing file synchronization
> between your laptop and the NetBSD system.
> I use such a setup to maintain backups of my laptop with my university
> account (for backups of research-related stuff) and my home machine
> (everything).

   Some background: I have a bunch of files which are important to me
(both personal and professional files). I have these on my XP laptop,
but I also want them on my NetBSD system (as backup). Now, I don't trust
my XP system as much as my NetBSD system, so I would like to keep my
files on the NetBSD-system instead, but access them from my applications
on my XP system as usual. That is why I was asking about NFS. I wanted
to use XP as an NFS client.

   I currently have two sets of the files: One on the XP laptop and one
on the NetBSD-system. Since I modify files on both systems, keeping the
files in sync is a very painful procedure. The _only_ reason I wanted to
have all files on _one_ system was to avoid this painful manual

   However, I never even thought about using some synchronization
software, but that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. Many thanks
for the tip! (Truth be told, I wasn't even aware of that such an elegant
application existed).

   [..Minutes later, after reading the unison web site..]

    Yes, that definitely looks like the perfect solution to my problem.

Kind Regards,
Jan Danielsson
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

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