Subject: Re: rtk: unable to allocate Tx cluster
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/10/2006 22:30:55
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On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 09:43:13PM +0200, Jan Danielsson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Sometimes, when I really push my network interface to its limit, I
> get the message:
> rtk0: unable to allocate Tx cluster
rtw or rtk, or Rx? rtw(4) can generate a Tx cluster message, rtk can
have a Rx cluster message. (assuming 3.0 sources)
Anyway if this is the rtk Rx cluster error, it's a kernel memory/mbuf
management issue, the GATEWAY option bumps NMBCLUSTERS, perhaps this
is necessary in this case. (to pull a suggestion out of thick air)
> ...on the console.
> I thought I would do some good for mankind, so I installed tor -- as
> a server. Pretty soon I found out that being a server in the tor network
> implies *very* *much* traffic through your node.
> This *really* pushed my network interface to its limits. When I came
> home a few minutes ago, I found that the console was filled with the
> message above, and it was spewing out new ones all the time. The ONLY
> thing I can do with the system is to switch terminals
> (Ctrl+Alt+F{1,2,3,4}), but I can not type any user name to login. It is
> not reachable via ssh.
> So, I need to reset it. :-(
> (Pushing the power button got me a bunch of "syncing disks ... 4 4 4
> 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ..." and some message I didn't have time to read.)
> Is there some known problem with the rtk driver, or is it the chip on
> my network card?
This chip is generally regarded as inferior, but FWIW I have never had any
problems with mine.
Jonathan Kollasch
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