Subject: Re: Moving system disk to a new machine...
To: Gilbert Fernandes <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/10/2006 17:49:49
The problem is not the shuttle... it's the box that needs to accomodate
what WAS in the shuttle... Shuttle is running a 2 disk system... which
needs to go in the old NetBSD box which has only one disk... which will
go to the shuttle... but I like the idea of replacing the floppy with
the 2nd disk...
After all, nowadays, who needs floppies to install a modern OS? :)
Gilbert Fernandes wrote:
>> Hum... Looks like I can't do the transfer just now... The machine that
>> will get the disk has only place for one disk... and I need to put 2 in.
>> Darn. :(
> I got a Shuttle too. You can fit two disks there.
> You plug the first disk to ide0 and the second to ide1 with the cd/dvd
> (it's better to have each hard-disk on its own controller for access than
> on the same IDE link).
> You can fit the second hard-disk in the space for the floppy disk.
> The holes fit perfectly and it will work fine. I got 2 x 500 Gb on my
> own Shuttle (albeit a little older : an SS51G).
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