Subject: Re: Moving system disk to a new machine...
To: Gilbert Fernandes <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/10/2006 15:33:14
Hi, Gilbert!
Thanks! The disk is already wd0 on the old machine. It's IDE and moving
to another machine with IDE. Should work.
Kernel is GENERIC. So I seem to be all set.
Definitely not using X on that machine. It's a mail / web server. :)
One question... machine has a Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet controler (it's
a SHUTTLE XPC ST20G5). Does the NetBSD driver properly work with this
device? On Linux, the default driver in the kernel hands on high volumes
for this card...
Gilbert Fernandes wrote:
> Please keep your signature to four lines only, and don't use HTML.
>> I am plannign to move my system disk to a new motherboard... is
>> there anything I need
>> to do?
> Since the kernel is monolithic, moving the disk to another machine
> should have
> it to boot properly. You should not encounter any problem if you are
> using GENERIC
> or something very close to it.
>> I imagine that the disk and network card names will likely change?
> The disk will be wd0 and/or wd1 very probably. The code used to talk to
> the hard-disk might not be the same, but it should appear exactly as
> before
> in the new machine.
>> I am using the machine in text console mode, so don't expect to have
>> to reconfigure X.
> If you are using the console, you are not using X ;)
> X might require reconfig if the graphic card is not the same. Just using
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86cfg will do an auto-detect of screen/video card.
>> Should I expect any trouble? Any command I have to type to re-scan
>> the hardware?
> The kernel does that on boot :)
> Make sure you are using GENERIC.
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