Subject: Re: RAIDFrame booting from RAID-1 & kernel dumps
To: None <>
From: Mark Cullen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/30/2006 20:04:43
Greg Oster wrote:
> I've always found getting kernel dumps to work reliably has been a 
> black art... So is getting a machine to reboot reliably from the ddb> 
> prompt... for me, at least, it seems there's always something to make 
> the system hang on "syncing disks", whether I'm just trying to reboot 
> or trying to get a crash dump...   I wish I could tell you "you need 
> to do this" cause then I'd know the answer too :-}
> Later...
> Greg Oster

Yeah, I did find a few references to this problem on the web but they 
didn't seem to have any kind of solution, or even a guess at what the 
problem was. I guess maybe it could be many different things.

I have no problems with the 'syncing disks' thing when rebooting 
normally. I shalln't pretend to know what I am talking about, but 
perhaps it's just some lock being held somewhere or something that 
prevents it from doing a forced 'sync' after hitting ctrl+alt+esc.

Anyhow, it does appear to dump properly with the 'reboot 0x104' one, so 
I just hope that if I ever get a real panic (and I haven't had one yet, 
which is nice!) it will dump properly :-)

Thanks again

Mark Cullen <>