Subject: Re: A strange problem involving PF and DHCP and an ethernet ADSL
To: None <>
From: Mark Cullen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/16/2006 15:37:07
Mark Cullen wrote:
> matthew sporleder wrote:
>>>> [snip]
>> I think it's actually both udp and, possibly, tcp.
> Are you sure? I'm not seeing any more blocked packets in the logs now?
>  >>> [snip]
>> Try running dhcpd in verbose mode or tcpdump-ing the server's
>> interface and look for broadcasts.  Your server definitely saw the
>> unicast because it sent you the NAK.
> Did you mean dhclient in verbose mode? I don't think my modem (the DHCP 
> server in this instance) runs anything UNIX-like :) I'm not seeing any 
> options to run dhclient in verbose mode anyhow?
> I'll definately try tcpdump'ing fxp1 later on (can't right this minute) 
> and get back to you though.
> Also, maybe these sysctl's have something to do with it (probably 
> nothing to do with it at all, but I thought I might ask)?!
> (root@bone)/root# sysctl -a -d | grep "broadcast"
> net.inet.ip.directed-broadcast: Enable forwarding of broadcast datagrams
> net.inet.ip.hostzerobroadcast: All zeroes address is broadcast address
> hostzerobroadcase = 1 and directed-broadcast = 0. Is this right?
> Thanks!!

Well, joy. About 10 seconds after I sent that it did it again, so...

tcpdump, while it's stuck in the loop, shows nothing at all. When I 
restart dhclient, I get:

15:29:38.016313 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from 00:04:ac:23:02:77, length: 300

and all starts working again. I'm not seeing anything from the modem, or, being blocked by pf in the logs :-( I don't really understand 
why it doesn't work until I kill dhclient and start it again? Any ideas?