Subject: Re: wikipedia article
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Ed Wensell III <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/13/2006 06:58:47
--- Jan Danielsson <> wrote:
>    IMHO, pkgsrc is a part of NetBSD (as yum/rpm is part of Fedora, .deb
> part of Debian, etc). The difference is that pkgsrc is built to be
> non-platform specific. I would consider applications available for
> NetBSD through pkgsrc to be "available to NetBSD".

IMHO, any application that installs cleanly on NetBSD is "available to
NetBSD". As long as it is open source and it's written in a language for
which NetBSD has a compiler for, it usually "just works". NetBSD is not
limited to just what's in pkgsrc, just as Linux is not limited to what's
available in rpm/yum/deb and so on.

How about a database category? While MySQL will run just about everywhere,
I'd be curious about availability of Oracle and Sybase on open-source
platforms. How about network management and monitoring tools like OpenView
and Tivoli? Backup tools like NetBackup and Legato?

Ed Wensell III

"A heap of soil next to a trench is a sign of the archaeologist" - Unknown source

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