Subject: Re: recommendations on USB2.0 cardbus adapters?
To: Matthew Orgass <>
From: Malcolm Herbert <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/08/2006 17:00:14
On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 09:59:42PM -0400, Matthew Orgass wrote:
|On 2006-06-08 wrote:
|> |/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/MAJA:630: `uhci' cannot attach to
|> ... so, what do I need to do here?
|  I see uhci@cardbus is only in current, but I tried rev 1.2 and it
|seems to compile cleanly on 3.0 (diff below).

thanks for that - I managed to get a new kernel to the machine[1] and it
booted fine and found the new card and the devices attached to it.

Unfortunately I didn't think to plug in the network card to the NetGear
USB NIC to test it properly but it seems to say the right things at boot.

Thanks again,

[1] over a 9600bd serial link ... laptop has no internal NIC, no USB
based NIC, server doesn't burn CDs and floppy drive is dead ... no
kermit/sz/rz combo either ... thank $DEITY I am old enough to know to
drive uuencode and tip to push files around that way ... :)

Malcolm Herbert                                This brain intentionally                                                left blank