Subject: Re: MIDI pins used as GPIO?
To: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
From: jarkko teppo <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/05/2006 12:49:40
On 6/5/06, Emmanuel Dreyfus <> wrote:
> Magnus Eriksson <> wrote:
> > If that's not possible, the parallel port should be relatively easy to
> > use too. I have no idea how easy/hard that is to use, software-wise,
> > though.
> I gave it a try, but writing to lpt0 does not produce interesting
> results. Someone has a pointer to some doc on the subject? A quick
> search with google gives me examples in x86 real mode.
I fooled around with i386_get_ioperm -stuff a long time ago. I got lpt0
to blink an array of leds, which was nice.
Here's a random example I found by googling a bit:
IIRC there was a document about this on back then but
I might be wrong.