Subject: Re: Attaching additional HDD - such simple(?) thing not without problems
To: None <>
From: Zbigniew Baniewski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/24/2006 02:09:35
On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 06:40:59PM -0500, Andy Ball wrote:

> That seems to support my suspicion that at least one of the
> drives is jumpered for "cable select", something that I have
> always avoided.

No, it isn't.

> I don't know what an HPT370 is, but I imagine it's a faster
> ATA host bus adaptor than the one built into your mainboard.

I'm using an somewhat old Abit board, which has both controllers on-board.

> You still haven't answered my questions regarding how the
> drives are jumpered.

CD-ROM is jumpered as "slave", and ZIP has "factory setting" position, which
results as "master" - both are connected to a secondary channel of the
slower controller. The primary is currently disabled.

My main HDD is jumpered as "master" - and it's alone on the HPT370.

Under Linux there are letter used:

Primary controller:

primary channel - hda, hdb
sec. chan. - hdc, hdd

Secondary controller (HPT370)

primary channel - hde, hdf
sec. chan. - hdg, hdh

And the drive label doesn't depend on the other's jumper or connection point
- or even on the other's (non-)existence.

But more important question than jumpering the other drives, seems to me be
the one: could be possible to fix the drive labels?

Or perhaps there is possible a "quick fix" like passing a parameter to LILO,
I mean something like: "root=/dev/hdx" under Linux? Just to enforce the new
drive label.
				pozdrawiam / regards

						Zbigniew Baniewski