Subject: Re: Where is
To: None <>
From: Christopher Beck <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/17/2006 20:17:05
Christian MANGE G4 wrote:
> Hello, I have unloaded netBsd3.0 and installed it on my laptop and the
> first thing I want to do is to build a new kernel. So i have
> downloaded syssrc.tgz from netBsd3.0, and install it in /usr/src.
> /usr/src did not exist before installing sources. I want to use
> as mentioned in netBsd documentation but I cannot locate it.
> Have somebody any idea ?
> Thank you for you help.
> Christian
> _______________________________________
> Ne pas prévoir c'est déjà gémir - Léonard de Vinci
You need to install the sources. Look up "Optaining the sources" on the
NetBSD documentation. Then you've got