Subject: Re: NetBSD LiveKey 0.1
To: None <>
From: dixie <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/15/2006 16:35:10
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi crowd,
> as i already told here a couple of days ago, i've been working on a funny
> project aiming to run NetBSD from an USB stick without having to change
> its original FS (read VFAT), using mount_msdos(8), vnd(4) and
> vndcompress(1).
> The system is now usable i think, and maybe some of you can be insterested
> in it. It runs NetBSD 3.0.0_STABLE and is composed of full base + xbase,
> misc and helvetica fonts. All fits in about 60 megs.
> I made it rather configurable so you can make the system install
> packages you want at startup just by copying standard NetBSD packages to
> the livekey/pkg directory in the key. Root's home directory is also
> located in the key so you can tweak your dotfiles a convenient way.
> I wrote a quick documentation so anyone can reproduce this easily, all the
> scripts i made and used are online.
> If you want to give it a try, the project homepage is
> and contains -i think- all needed
> information for you to test it.
> Hope you'll like it :)
> regards
> - ----------------------------------------
> Emile "iMil" Heitor <> _
> ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
> - against HTML email X
> & vCards / \
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (NetBSD)
> 9NcJ+zDP2KSejYqsDxNJ7cc=
> =12dX
Hi, very nice work man!
I was looking for something like this, very useful in case you do not
have any other way to boot something that isn't netboot/pxe :)
I want to build my own LiveKey to be able to install NetBSD from the USB
stick, so I was wondering how to put sysinst in place correctly.
Any idea?
Best regards