Subject: Re: Question about cvs
To: NetBSD Users <>
From: Holger Weiss <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/16/2006 21:25:48
* Huub <> [2006-04-16 20:55]:
> Additional question (don't really understand this from userguide): after
> cvs, do I have to "make install clean" or some kind of update-command
> for upgrading software?

| Finding if newer versions of your installed packages are in pkgsrc
| Install pkgtools/pkglint and run lintpkgsrc with the -i argument to
| check if your packages are up-to-date, e.g.
| % lintpkgsrc -i
| ...
| Version mismatch: 'tcsh' 6.09.00 vs 6.10.00
| You can then use make update to update the package on your system and
| rebuild any dependencies.

[ ]

You could also have a look at pkgtools/pkg_chk.


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