Subject: Which (free) software to do application-level firewalling
To: None <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/04/2006 14:13:27
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I spend the last two days at "Microsoft Security Days" in Paris while I
was spammed with "M$ does it", "M$ is great", yadda yadda... When I put
the commercial aspect away, there ISA server 2004 looks pretty nice.

To sum up, it is a firewall that can deal with network flow at
application level (aka ISO layer 7) - that is, it can block data flow if an
HTTP/SMTP/... command is known to be bad (too long, attack signature, ...).

My question is, using NetBSD ;), what is the way to validate network flow
at level7 ? Is it postfix that can kill a session (for eg) if the HELO
command gets more than "64" chars ? Is it squid that can terminate a
session if it see URL patterned like "GET blabla.php?vars=3DDOSme\n\n\n\n"
? How do we do this is the free world (didn't find anything on
google|freshmeat - but I may not have use the right search pattern).

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