Subject: (s)hell quoting (s)hell
To: None <>
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/01/2006 12:15:11
I'm scripting things with bash an have a quoting problem.
Hopefully I'm not too OT: please ignore or redirect me as
- - -
at different spots in my (ba)shell script a tool (1) is used with
the same set of the options.
(1 insert your favorite here)
tool --optA --optB --optX | ...
tool --optA --optB --optY | ...
this calls for factoring out
TOOL=3D"tool --optA --optB "
${TOOL} --optX | ...
${TOOL} --optY | ...
troubles start with specific option --optP aimed at 'neutralizing'=20
an environment variable; that is make tool work as if the env.var would
not be set but without messing with the env.var itself.
reading from the doco, it tells to use --optP "" (2x doublequotes)
interactive invocations of tool --optP "" are successful
to bring doublequotes into the factored out string, I change the
assignment to use single quotes (no evaluations needed in there)
TOOL=3D'tool --optA --optB --optP "" '
${TOOL} --optX | ...
PROBLEM: sure enough bash, when evaluating var TOOL for the call=20
of the tool, surrounds the 2x dblquotes with a pair of single quotes,
which makes tool fail: the effective command ends up being:=20
(traced with set -x)
tool --optA --optB --optP '""' --optX | ...
of course this also fails in interactive invocation
- how can I define a shell var containing a string with=20
dbl.quotes in it, representing a command?
- how do I have to use such a variable to avoid that the shell
messes up things?
thanks for your time