Subject: AW: specifics of PostgreSQL superuser account
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/10/2006 11:30:26
> I set up the PostgreSQL superuser account using vipw as I do for most
> daemons:
>   postgres:*:5555:5555::0:0:& pseudo-user:/var/pgsql/data:/sbin/nologin
> However, I get the warning:
>   # su - postgres
>   This account is currently not available.
> Does this user have to have a shell?  If so, which shell is best?

How did you install PostgreSQL? From pkgsrc? The pkgsrc packages
automatically add pgsql as user and group:

stefan@kusanagi$ groupinfo pgsql        
name    pgsql
passwd  *
gid     1001
members pgsql
stefan@kusanagi$ userinfo pgsql
login   pgsql
passwd  *************
uid     1001
groups  pgsql 
change  NEVER
gecos   PostgreSQL database administrator
dir     /usr/pkg/pgsql
shell   /bin/sh
expire  NEVER

> Is there a NetBSD-specific PostgreSQL manual or document page?

No one that I know of, however, PostgreSQL usually works perfectly from
