Subject: Re: telnet, login, but no ipv6 stuff (Gewijzigd door Marc Coevoet)
To: None <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/29/2006 22:27:38
On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 09:04:20PM +0000, Martijn van Buul wrote:
> It occurred to me that Marc Coevoet wrote in gmane.os.netbsd.general:
> > I do not want sshd etc, i'm local, and the comp isn't interesting  
> > enough ;-)
> The fact that *you* think it's not interesting enough almost makes it
> instantly interesting for others. 
> I don't quite follow your antipathy for ssh.

OT, but I think of this every time someone gives an anti-ssh statement
w/o being able to give good reason.  Back in the mid-90s, I was the
sysadmin for a largish colo datacenter, I saw one of my customers using
telnet on a funny port to log into his systems.  I asked him why he was
1) using telnet and not ssh and , 2) on that port?

He said that he put telnet on the different port as a basic 'security
through obscurity' method.  He said he'd tried ssh once, but while
watching the packets with a sniffer, all he saw was hex chars and didn't
understand anything, so he quit using it.



Michael Parson