Subject: Re: OT: OpenVMS Licenses (Was: NetBSD/vax emulated by simh)
To: None <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/18/2006 10:18:19
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 04:11:07PM +0000, Gary Parker wrote:
> Ed Wensell III wrote:
> >>It would appear you need to be a member of your country's DECUS chapter 
> >>to apply for a hobbyist license and most articles online mention free 
> >>membership if all you're after is the license but all the DECUS sites 
> >>seem to have become Encompass now and are charging ~?50 for individual 
> >>membership. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the hobbyist 
> >>licenses for free anymore?
> Thanks to Ed, Michael and Luca for their replies.
> It turned out that as I work at a University I can actually sign up with 
> HP for their educational OpenVMS license, which I've just done.
> However, it still appears that I'll have to pay for a media set ad they 
> don't provide the software for download...unless someone knows better?

As I remember it, if you get the media from them, you have to pay for
it, but they don't restrict you copying it from someone that already has
a set.  Don't remember where I read that though, can't find it on my quick
browse of the site. :-/

Michael Parson