Subject: Re: OT: OpenVMS Licenses (Was: NetBSD/vax emulated by simh)
To: Gary Parker <>
From: Ed Wensell III <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/18/2006 08:04:33
I believe one can join as an "Associate - (non-member)" and be eligible
for a hobbyist license.

In the US it's at the bottom of .

Hobbyist licenses obtained from

--- Gary Parker <> wrote:
> It would appear you need to be a member of your country's DECUS chapter 
> to apply for a hobbyist license and most articles online mention free 
> membership if all you're after is the license but all the DECUS sites 
> seem to have become Encompass now and are charging ~£50 for individual 
> membership. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the hobbyist 
> licenses for free anymore?

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