Subject: Re: OT: OpenVMS Licenses (Was: NetBSD/vax emulated by simh)
To: Gary Parker <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/18/2006 09:59:40
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:13:02PM +0000, Gary Parker wrote:
> Rick Kelly wrote:
>> Ignatios Souvatzis said:
>>> Because SIMH uses bpf to access the network, it will not see it's host
>>> machine but only the outside ethernet. Is this your problem? You didn't
>>> menthion whether is the host machine or yet another machine on
>>> the network...
> Hmm....I'm overcome with misty-eyed sentimentalism at the prospect of
> running a virtual VAX on my modern hardware and decided to look into
> this a little more...
> It would appear you need to be a member of your country's DECUS chapter
> to apply for a hobbyist license and most articles online mention free
> membership if all you're after is the license but all the DECUS sites
> seem to have become Encompass now and are charging ~?50 for individual
> membership. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the hobbyist
> licenses for free anymore?
I signed up in 2002 as a 'Complimentary Associate Member' for free,
which gives you access to non-password protected content on the
Encompass website and access to the hobbyist licenses. For the US, you
sign up here:
Might be something similar for .uk membership?
Michael Parson