Subject: Re: upgraded from 2.1 to 3.0rc5, dhcpd problems with bpf
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Carl Brewer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/09/2005 01:21:06
Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 06:05:03PM +1100, Carl Brewer wrote:
>>Dec  8 17:33:37 plug dhcpd: No bpf devices.   Please read the README
>>section for your operating system.
> Did you rerun "./MAKEDEV all" in /dev ?  

I did, but this is what I see when I look a bit deeper (from ktrace
dhcpd) :

28021 dhcpd    RET   ioctl 0
  28021 dhcpd    CALL  open(0x80a5c80,2,0)
  28021 dhcpd    NAMI  "/dev/bpf"
  28021 dhcpd    RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
  28021 dhcpd    CALL  gettimeofday(0xbfbfd1c8,0)

Sure enough :

rollcage2# ls -la /dev/bpf
ls: /dev/bpf: No such file or directory

So I re-run MAKEDEV :

cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV bpf

and now I have a bpf device :

But, I now see this error from dhcpd :

  14385 dhcpd    RET   ioctl 0
  14385 dhcpd    CALL  open(0x80a5c80,2,0)
  14385 dhcpd    NAMI  "/dev/bpf"
  14385 dhcpd    RET   open -1 errno 19 Operation not supported by device
  14385 dhcpd    CALL  gettimeofday(0xbfbfd1c8,0)
  14385 dhcpd    RET   gettimeofday 0
  14385 dhcpd    CALL  sendto(3,0xbfbfd640,0x67,0,0,0)

rollcage2# ls -la /dev/bpf
crw-------  1 root  wheel  0, 23 Dec  9 01:17 /dev/bpf


I've done something wrong .. what's dhcpd trying to do that /dev/bpf
won't allow, but that the dhcpd from 2.1 works with?